My Home is my Castel

Material: Holz, Stahl, Walkman, Telephonlautsprecher, Fahrradbirne

Künstlerhaus Sunderweg Dortmund, 1992


In the base there is a walkman with an endless cassette – in the ‘parabolic receiving dish’ of the aerial there is a loudspeaker – inside the small house a small light flickers. One can hear a sound collage that simulates a family milieu in the ‘good room’. Like a ‘musical clavilux’ the ultramarine light flickers inside the corpus – following the dynamism of the sound collage -and simulates the flickering of a television inside a living room, like one can see it in housing estates when passing. The aerial is functionalized in an opposite way here. It is not a receiver, but a transmitter to gain insight into the ‘inner life’ of the house.

1/4 Künstlerhaus Sunderweg Dortmund 1992